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GOBOSERVICE by Sunland Optics srl
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GOBOSERVICE by Sunland Optics srl CREDITS Projects and Projection pictures Goboservice by Sunland Optics srL Projectors concept and design Goboservice by Sunland Optics srl Graphic concept and design PMopenlab srls (www,pmopenlab.com)
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COMPANY CASE STUDIES OURPRODUCTS OverView ArchitecturaL Mapping - Rocca di VignoLa Corporate Projections - Somfy's 50th Advertising Projections - Publicis Paris Artistic Projections - Pinerolo Christmas Projections - Trento Projectors - Golux Series - Divum Series - Goled Series Gobos - Standard Gobos Dichroic Filters
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If you want a good quality image you need to know about the nature and properties of light. “Every projector we design must be abLe to say something new to its reference market by responding to specific market needs. In fact, we carefuLLy anaLyze requests from our clients from aLL over the worLd, from South Korea to Japan, from the United States to France and aU those who work in advert-arching - that particular Lighting sector that uses architecturally significant facilities for promotional events and communicationThe general request was a simple and compact projector, which couLd be used...
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Goboservice customize your light. Projected safety signs 04 10 18 45 BRANCHES DISTRIBUTING YEARS OF TEAM WORLDWIDE COMPANIES EXPERIENCE MEMBERS
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CASE STUDIES Architectural Mapping Gobo-projectors with fixed 56mm and 115 mm lenses were tailored to best respond to the new mapping challenge.
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CASE STUDIES ArchitecturaL mapping have made virtual restoration operations possibLe with extreme precision and very Low costs compared to the cLassic use of video projectors. Goboservice have deveLoped innovative soLutions to make the GoLux and Divum series of projectors - the perfect choice for Architectural Mapping, like the one realised on Rocca di Vignola (MO) in collaboration with Apparati Effimeri. We started by creating plans with special 3D laser scanners. The analysis was used to generate an extremely accurate three-dimensional grid with a margin of error of less than a...
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CASE STUDIES Corporate Projections A LED gobo Projector Divum 30KR was used to project the logo onto the central office building of the world leader in home automation based in France.
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CASE STUDIES Advertising Projections Publicis Paris W v J mw Y* \ t I
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CASE STUDIES LA REINE DES DRAGONS SE SACRIFIE *smmcr SI ON A TUÉ VOTUE PROGRAMME, C'EST PAflCE QUE L'IHACTIVrtf PHYSIQUE TOE At the beginning of the transmission of the sequeL to one of the most anticipated programs of the year, the PLAY International association has decided to expLoit the event for a campaign of great impact and so in coLLaboration with PubLicis ConseiL and Prodigious, has chosen to raise awareness among the spectators by proposing just what they wouLd not want: using a GoLux 1000 gobo projector the spoiLers of “The Game of Thrones" were projected on various embLematic...
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CASE STUDIES Artistic Projections The works of Kandinsky, Mirò and Mondrian decorate the Piedmontese town of Pinerolo with elegant surreal and neoplastic abstract lines. Goboservice has created innovative luminous scenography inspired by some of the finest works of European masters from the first half of the last century; masters who experimented with new uses of form and colour.
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CASE STUDIES Christmas Projections Palazzo Pretorio, the historic site of Trento, was dressed in flaming red decorated with ice and snowflakes for the Christmas holidays. Goboservice proposed a set of effects and colours in order to create a magical atmosphere in one of the most visited squares of Italy. The massive walls of the palace, dating back to the 9th century AD, were illuminated by the Golux projectors for over a month serving as a backdrop for the events organized by the Town Hall.
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HIGH EFFICIENCY AND BRIGHTNESS PROJECTORS Our gobo projectors are designed by placing particular attention on maximisation of brightness and energy saving. LED and metal-halide lamps and HDP reflectors are selected, which allow optimisation of light beams whilst avoiding superfluous dispersions of power. All models are produced in Italy. HIGH EFFICIENCY QUALITY IMAGE
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GOLUX GOLUX 600 GOLUX 1000 DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Lenght Width Height Weight STRUCTURAL DATA Material ALuminium ALuminium Finish Opaque Opaque CoLour Black Black SOURCE Type Power Brightness CoLour Temperature Life Philips MSR GoLd TM 1000 MiniFastFit 1CT/4 Golux is a versatiLe and powerfuL projector, perfect for Large-scaLe architecturaL projections thanks to its high-efficiency Zoom Kit.
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GOLUX SERIES CASE STUDIES Christmas projections, Atrani, 2016 Christmas projections, Legnano, 2017 ILLUMINATION DISTRIBUTION John Hamon, Eiffel Tower, Paris, 2017 GOLUX 600/1000 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Gobo Changer Extensible stand Rain Cover Mounting bracket Pole, Wall Dynamic Effects Gobo Rotator Beam Shaper Christmas projections, Piazza Duomo, Milano, 2017 Central Station, Milano, 2018
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DIVUM DIVUM 30K DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Lenght Width Height Weight STRUCTURAL DATA Material Degree of Protection CoLour Steel - ALuminium IP54 Black GOBOSERVICEi SOURCE Type Brightness Colour Temperature Life High efficiency white COB LED 30.800 lm 6.000 °K 50.000 h Divum 30K is a brand new extraordinary performance COB LED projector with 30,800 Lumen which makes it ideal for briUiant projections.
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DIVUM SERIES ILLUMINATION DISTRIBUTION Projection on the snow, ViLnius, Lithuania, 2018 Festa dellaToscana VERSIONS DIVUM 30K+ DIVUM 30K-E DIVUM 30K-R P»«, giustiM,»« Mb.rté La Toscana culla di civilta Bova Superiore, Reggio Calabria, 2018 :esta della Toscana, 2019 Accessory Gobo Rotator Dynamic Effect Gobo Rotator Gobo Rotator incLuded OD : 52,8mm - ID: 48mm incLuded Dynamic Effect incLuded Gobo Changer Water Effect Beam Shaper Mounting bracket Basic - Pro Basic - Pro Basic - Pro Fuori Salone, Fabbrica del vapore, Milano, 2019 Ecolandia, Reggio Calabria, 2019
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GOLED SERIES GOLED GoLed is a compact projector with an attractive design, ideal for internaL appLications capabLe of obtaining extremeLy bright projections with mínimum energy absorption. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Lenght Width Height Weight STRUCTURAL DATA Material Finish Colour Steel Opaque Black/White SOURCE Type Led Lamp
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