Extractos del catálogo

Timber in architecture __Madera y arquitectura Technical guide __Guía técnica Facade is a high density laminate timber panel, a ventilated façade system. For a correct panel installation it is important to follow the general instructions which are described along this document. __Facade es un tablero estratificado de madera de alta densidad, un sistema de fachada ventilada. Para una perfecta instalación de los paneles es importante seguir las instrucciones generales que se describen a lo largo de este documento.
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About Facade panels_Acerca de los paneles Facade 1. Product features_Características del producto 7 1.1. Product quality and certif¡cates_Calidad de producto y certificaciones 7 1.2. Environmental sustainability_Sostenibilidad y gestión ambiental 7 1.3. Technical datasheet_Ficha técnica 8 4.3. Panel curving_Curvado de paneles 11 5. Cleaning and maintenance_Limpieza y mantenimiento 12 6. Information for removal_Información para la desinstalación 13 6.1. Waste management information_Información a los gestores de residuos 13 Installation systems_Sistemas de instalación 1. General...
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About Facade panels __Acerca de los paneles Facade
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Facade construction Construcción Facade High-density stratified panel with natural timber veneer for outdoor use __Tablero estratificado de alta densidad, con chapa de madera natural para uso en exteriores A PVDF Antigraffiti overlay __Film PVDF Antigraffiti C Natural timber veneer __Chapa de madera natural D HPL balancer __Revestimiento baquelizado de contracara E Natural timber veneer __Chapa de madera natural F Balancing film __Film protector de contracara
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1. Product features __Características del producto Facade is a high-density timber faced panel, manufactured with a core of paper fibres treated with thermosetting resins. These are compressed at a high temperature and pressure and protected by an exterior coating highly resistant to UV radiation and weathering. Facade panels include Everlook®, a component introduced into the wood to provide outstanding life-cycle benefit in terms of colour stability, in all climatic conditions with no varnish need at all over the years. It also allows the development of new finishes to our range of timber...
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1.3. Technical datasheet __Ficha técnica Tests Measurement unit Result Parklex Facade S (Standard) Parklex Facade F (Fire class) Due to the fact that wood is a natural product, each veneer may be considered as unique. Colour and structure differences are considered as normal. Singularities such as knots and resin inclusions are not considered as defects, but as a part of the décor. There are differences in light fastness performances depending on the wood species and the source of the wood . Colour, pattern and surface nish 2. Dimensional tolerances Thickness (t) Edge straightness Edge...
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1. Inspección Color, diseño y acabado de la supercie Parklex Facade S (Standard) Parklex Facade F (Ignífugo) Teniendo en cuenta que la madera es un producto natural, cada chapa puede ser considerada única. Diferencias de color y veta son consideradas normales. Singularidades como nudos, e inclusiones de resina no son consideradas defectos, sino partes del diseño decorativo. Existen diferencias en el comportamiento de solidez del color a la luz dependiendo de la especie y procedencia de la madera. 2. Tolerancias dimensionales Espesor (t) Rectitud bordes Variación dimensional acumulada (t 6...
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The panels must be correctly strapped down for transport, bearing in mind that they slide over each other easily and may become damaged. They must always be transported horizontally. The panels must never be transported loose or with broken straps. For short trips, inside workshops or at the construction site, fasten the panels using straps whilst protecting the edges in contact with the straps with cardboard protectors. Avoid the presence of rough objects or sharp edges between panels that may damage or scratch their surface. When moving panels on the same stack, lift them so that they do...
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Standard requirements should be kept in mind when handling Facade panels, especially with regards to: __Se deberán tener en cuenta los requerimientos habituales de seguridad durante la manipulación de tableros Facade, especialmente en relación con: saws. Flat, trapezoidal tooth profiles are the most efficient. The number of teeth should be between 24 and 60, depending on the diameter. The blade teeth should always enter on the panel’s good face. Table saws generally have the good face pointing up, as the blade rotates with the blade cutting on the ‘downstroke’. Hand held circular saws...
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5. Cleaning and maintenance __Limpieza y mantenimiento curvature radius will depend on the thickness of the material. The thinner the material, the tighter the curves, in other words, the smaller the radius. __Los paneles Facade son paneles planos y rígidos, sin embargo, se pueden curvar hasta conseguir ciertos radios de curvatura. El radio de curvatura dependerá del espesor del material; a menor espesor, se pueden conseguir curvas más cerradas, es decir, de menor radio. As seen in the table, when installing the panels on a curved structure, the distance between vertical profiles must be...
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6. Information for removal __ Información para la desinstalación Important Note __Nota Importante Facade panels are used as part of a ventilated façade. The main components (aluminium, steel, timber and plastic) are easily separated for recycling. __Los paneles Facade forman parte de una fachada ventilada, cuyos principales componentes (aluminio, acero, madera y plástico) son fácilmente separables y reciclables. Solvents and chemical cleaning products must be used following appropriate health and hygiene regulations at all times. __La utilización de disolventes y productos de limpieza...
Abrir la página 13 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos PARKLEX International
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Paredes y Techos
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Paneles para Fachadas
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NATURSKINFLOOR - W technical sheet
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NATURSOFFIT - W technical sheet
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17 Páginas
15 Páginas
35 Páginas
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Block Tek Decking
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Facade- Technical guide
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Catálogos archivados
Guía de Productos
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Nuevos suelos: HY TEK (Booklet)
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FACADE Folleto
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Parklex Suelos
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Hy Tek Flooring 2018
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Facade Natural wood for exteriors
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