Extractos del catálogo

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8 Company profile | Profil de l’entreprise | Quienes somos 18 Hydromassage system | Système d’hydromassage | Sistema de hidromasaje Baignoires sur pieds sans paroi | Bañeras exentas a pared 50 Free Standing Bathtubs | Baignoires en îlot | Bañeras exentas 76 Free Standing Bathtubs ‘En 2’ | Baignoires en îlot ‘En 2‘ | Bañeras exentas ‘En 2‘ 84 Build-in Bathtubs | Baignoires encastrées | Bañeras encastradas 138 Outdoor Bathtubs | Baignoires extérieur | Bañeras Outdoor 156 Tech Area | Espace technique | Área Técnica
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Alphabetic index
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In b10 we have a clear exporting vocation, with presence in more than 20 countries, being a reference organization in the national and international bathroom market by size and experience. All the people who make up b10 are committed to Quality and the objective of bringing well-being to the home, with effective, safe and innovative products designed to revitalise the bathroom space. At b10, a team of more than 100 people totally committed to the satisfaction of our customers and users, we work with a humble, honest and constantly improving attitude, constantly seeking their trust. Chez b10...
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We devise, design and manufacture our products in a meticulous way with high quality raw materials, the best production technology, the most advanced management systems, the humility, commitment and experience of our team and the utmost respect for the environment. At b10 we develop products for the bathroom created with honesty and true passion, striving to offer moments of relaxation that help to disconnect from the routine and stress of everyday life. Be bath, be a ten. Nous pensons, concevons et fabriquons nos produits de manière méticuleuse avec des matières premières de haute qualité,...
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La preocupación por la calidad y la seguridad de nuestros productos y procesos es una constante en b10; por este motivo realizamos controles en todas las operaciones de producción, así como ensayos mecánicos y eléctricos en nuestras bañeras y platos de ducha según lo exigen las normas de conformidad CE. La formación continua del equipo humano, las constantes acciones de mejora e innovación y un potente servicio de asistencia técnica avalan nuestro compromiso. Nuestro servicio de asistencia técnica (SAT) da cobertura nacional e internacional a nuestros productos. Concern for the quality and...
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Our products offer solutions to meet your bathroom needs: be bath, be a ten. Nos produits offrent les solutions à vos besoins dans votre espace salle de bains: be bath, be a ten. Nuestros productos ofrecen soluciones para cubrir tus necesidades en el espacio de baño: be bath, be a ten. Washbasins & Furniture Bathtubs Shower Company profile
Abrir la página 8 del catálogo
Icons In order to make this catalogue more intuitive, here are the icons you will see throughout it, which represent the possible configurations and accessories, as well as the hydromassage systems and their optional equipment with which you can customize your bath. Afin de rendre ce catalogue plus intuitif, voici les icônes que vous verrez tout au long, qui représentent les configurations et accessoires possibles, ainsi que les systèmes d’hydromassage et leurs équipements optionnels avec lesquels vous pouvez personnaliser votre bain. Con el propósito de hacer más intuitivo este catálogo, a...
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Premium System Control+Air System Control System Combi System The moment you deserve Hydrotherapy is a technique known since ancient times whose benefits include cleansing action, hydromassage, stimulation of blood circulation and relief of muscle pain. All our water, wellness and beauty systems are equipped with SHS, a b10 technology that considerably reduces energy consumption and noise, allowing you to enjoy the pleasure of hydromassage without the sound of invigorating bubbles. Le moment que vous méritez L’hydrothérapie est une technique connue depuis l’Antiquité dont les bienfaits...
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Colour therapy treatment improves our physical and mental well-being by relieving fatigue, stress and muscular pain through the combination of colours and the intensity of light. La thérapie par les couleurs améliore notre bien-être physique et mental en soulageant la fatigue, le stress et les douleurs musculaires grâce à la combinaison des couleurs et à l’intensité de la lumière. La terapia cromática mejora nuestro bienestar físico y psíquico aliviando el cansancio, el estrés y los dolores musculares mediante la combinación de los colores y la intensidad de la luz. Relájate con la...
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HbSystem Combined Do you want to have a smart controller for your bathtub and enjoy the full b10 hydrotherapy experience? Our b Connect app is a bluetooth app included with Premium System and optional with Control+Air System that allows you to control your bathtub via your smartphone or tablet. Relax and enjoy the predefined massages or customise your treatment with the configuration options. Vous souhaitez disposer d’un contrôleur intelligent pour votre baignoire et profiter pleinement de l’expérience de l’hydrothérapie b10? Notre application b Connect est une application bluetooth incluse...
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Premium System Included | Inclus | Incluido Equipped with b Connect, it incorporates Control with additional back jets, Air, Chromatherapy, heated pump and the new b10 aromatherapy. Includes automatic drainage. Équipé de b Connect, il intègre le contrôle avec des jets dorsaux supplémentaires, l’air, la chromothérapie, la pompe chauffante et la nouvelle aromathérapie b10. Comprend un drainage automatique. Equipado con b Connect, incorpora Control con jets dorsales adicionales, Air, Cromoterapia, bomba calefactada y la nueva aromaterapia de b10. Incluye desagüe automático. Wellness Optional...
Abrir la página 13 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos BAÑOS 10 S.L.
Catálogo Mobiliario de Baño 21-22
136 Páginas
Catalogo Lavabos y Encimeras 21-22
136 Páginas
Catálogo Ducha 20-21
120 Páginas
SolidCoat Surface
8 Páginas