Extractos del catálogo

Three-dimensional wall emotions 3D WALL DE SIG N Atlas Concorde is a global specialist in premium porcelain and wall tiles for every style and application in residential, commercial and public architecture. Being global specialists means excellence in the level of design and technology in each type of surface, making it possible to always offer designers and end users the best solution for each application. Atlas Concorde è specialista globale in superfici ceramiche d’eccellenza per ogni stile e applicazione nell’architettura residenziale, commerciale e pubblica. Essere specialisti globali...
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Three-dimensional ceramic surfaces where Th di i l i f h the sculpted play of light and shadows meets the highest quality Atlas Concorde white clay tiles. A range of relief surfaces creates spectacular walls with elegant facets and design textures that decorate any type of interior with simplicity and sophistication. 3D Wall Design Project DECORATIVE, CONTEMPORARY WALLS Superfici ceramiche tridimensionali uniscono un impatto scultoreo ricco di chiaroscuri ai vantaggi del miglior rivestimento in pasta bianca. Una gamma di superfici a rilievo crea pareti scenografiche dalle sfaccettature...
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Shopping & HOSPITALITY 3D WALL TILES FOR HOSPITALITY AND RETAIL SPACES Rivestimenti 3D per gli spazi dell’ospitalità e dello shopping Three-dimensional settings revolutionize shopping, hospitality, and reception spaces with simplicity and elegance. Scenografie tridimensionali rivoluzionano con semplicità ed eleganza gli spazi dedicati allo shopping e gli ambienti dell’ospitalità e dell’accoglienza contemporanea. REVÊTEMENTS 3D POUR LES ESPACES DE L’ACCUEIL ET DU SHOPPING Les scénographies tridimensionnelles révolutionnent avec simplicité et élégance les lieux dédiés au shopping et les...
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THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONTOURS FOR WELLNESS AREAS Suggestioni tridimensionali per spazi wellness Refined textures and original reliefs sculpt the walls of wellness spaces. Light flows across three-dimensional surfaces: authentic sculptures embellish decorative walls of wellness spaces for a relaxing cocoon effect. n Trame ricercate e rilievi inediti scolpiscono le pareti degli spazi dedicati al benessere. Autentiche sculture valorizzano pareti d’arredo protagoniste degli spazi wellness per un rilassante effetto cocoon. SUGGESTIONS TRIDIMENSIONNELLES POUR LES ESPACES DU BIEN-ÊTRE Des trames...
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3D WALLS DECORATE CONTEMPORARY LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Pareti 3D arredano gli ambienti dell’abitare contemporaneo Minimalist and contemporary relief designs enliven modern interiors with vigor and authenticity. Disegni a rilievo minimali e contemporanei animano con vigore e autenticità gli interni dell’abitare contemporaneo. Home & DECORATION LES REVÊTEMENTS 3D DÉCORENT LES PIÈCES DE L’HABITAT CONTEMPORAIN Les dessins en relief, minimalistes et contemporains, animent avec vigueur et authenticité l’habitat contemporain. 3D-WÄNDE GESTALTEN DAS ZEITGEMÄSSE WOHNAMBIENTE Modern-minimalistische...
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TEXTURES WITH PERSONALITY Geometric SHAPES Texture ricche di personalità Multi-faceted RELIEFS Sinuous MOTIFS Clear-cut or sinuous shapes, multifaceted patterns, and elegant wave reliefs bring the wall tiles into the third dimension with expressiveness. Innovative three-dimensionality creates visual effects that morph depending on the lighting and the angle. Geometrie nette o sinuose, pattern multisfaccettati ed eleganti onde a rilievo conducono il rivestimento nella terza dimensione con espressività. Tridimensionalità inedite creano effetti ottici che variano a seconda dell’illuminazione e...
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Multi-faceted RELIEFS
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Geometric SHAPES
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Sinuous MOTIFS
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Absbracb geomebricTEXTURES _An abstract geometric texture distinguished by an orderly sequence of slanted planes, creating modern three-dimensional wall tiles with a strong visual impact. _Una trama geométrica astratta caratterizzata da ordinate sequenze di piani inclinati, crea un rivestimento tridimensionale moderno e dal forte impatto. _3D Wall tiles 3D/FLASH WHITE MATT 40x80 cm _Wall tiles ARKSHADE SAGE 40x80 cm _Porcelain tiles ARKSHADE GREY 75x150 cm ARKSHADE GREY GRIP 30x60 cm I 20
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Three-dimensional wall tiles elegantly blend with any floor. I rivestimenti tridimensionali si abbinano con eleganza a qualsiasi pavimento. Les revêtements tridimensionnels épousent avec élégance chaque type de sol. I Die dreidimensionalen Wandbeläge harmonieren elegant mit jedem Bodenbelag. I Los revestimientos tridimensionales se conjugan con elegancia en cualquier tipo de pavimento. I Трехмерная настенная плитка элегантно сочетается с любым напольным покрытием. Une trame géométrique abstraite, caractérisée Eine abstrakte, geometrische, durch Una trama geométrica abstracta par des...
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3D FLASH_Abstract shapes Abstract geometric shapes for dynamic shadows and contoured reliefs. Forme geometriche astratte per chiaroscuri dinamici e rilievi dai contorni definiti. Formes géométriques abstraites pour des clairs-obscurs dynamiques et des reliefs aux contours bien définis. I Abstrakte, geometrische Formen erzeugen dynamische Helldunkeleffekte und klar definierte Reliefs. I Formas geométricas abstractas para claroscuros dinámicos y relieves de contornos definidos. I Абстрактные геометрические формы для динамичной игры светотени и четких рельефов.
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3D Wall Design_Kitchen area ABSTRACT GEOMETRIES FURNISH KITCHEN WALLS WITH ELEGANCE AND PRACTICALITY Geometrie astratte arredano con eleganza e praticità il rivestimento cucina Three-dimensional ceramic wall tiles are ideal in kitchen environments and in areas exposed to stains, heat, and moisture. I rivestimenti ceramici tridimensionali sono ideali in ambienti cucina e in spazi esposti a macchie, calore e umidità. Les revêtements céramiques tridimensionnels sont parfaits pour la cuisine et pour les zones exposées aux taches, à la chaleur et à l’humidité. I Die dreidimensionalen...
Abrir la página 15 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Atlas Concorde
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Marvel Edge
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3D Wall Design '18
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