Extractos del catálogo

ALCALAGRES Innovation, Quality and Technology. Founded in 1990, ALCALAGRES, S.A. is a Spanish company that specialises in through-body porcelain tiles (integral porcelain tiles): products that are perfect for the most demanding projects where importance is given to design. The firm’s head office and factory are located in Madrid - Spain, with conveniently placed branches and warehouses in different areas of the country. This network ensures continuous, fluid communications with clients. ALCALAGRES, S.A. currently exports over 40% of its products to more than 60 countries. Its subsidiary,...
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ALCALAGRES INTEGRAPLUS IntegraPlus a service by ALCALAGRES that offers start-to-finish technical solutions for architectural projects. Towards this end, ALCALAGRES has entered into agreements with highly reputable companies that have proven experience in the development of projects for Ventilated Façades, Raised Access Floors (RAF) and special floors for large surface areas. IntegraPlus ensures a coordinated service in all project phases, from technical planning and the supply of the required materials to on-site installation. The use of Integral Porcelain tiles on façades and floors in...
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CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ALCALAGRES’ commitment to the environment has always played an important role in its global strategy to contribute to a sustainable society. In 2006, AENOR certified ALCALAGRES’ environmental management system as complying with the international UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2004 standard. Autorización Ambiental Integrada para ALCALAGRES ALCALAGRES ha obtenido la autorización ambiental integrada concedida por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda y Ordenación del Territorio. Con esta autorización la firma acredita su esfuerzo e implicación en la protección...
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11 Natural BA14 60 x 60 cm (24” x 24”) Natural BA14 60 x 60 cm (24” x 24”) 5,5 x 21 cm (2” x 8”) PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) PE12 Natural BA10 Antideslizante BA11 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA11 Antideslizante BA12 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Haya PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) Natural BA10 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA11 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Wengué PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) E45 WENGUÉ E42 HAYA B1 ENMALLADO MADERAS D1 DECORADO LAMAS DECORADO PARQUET DECORADO PARQUET MADERAS serie destonificación intencionada well-meaning shade variation El acabado...
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13 Natural BA10 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA11 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Roble oscuro PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) E44 ROBLE OSCURO DECORADO PARQUET Natural BA14 60 x 60 cm (24” x 24”) Natural BA10 Antideslizante BA11 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA11 Antideslizante BA12 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Roble Claro PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) E43 ROBLE CLARO DECORADO PARQUET MADERAS serie Natural BA10 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA10 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) E47 ROBLE VERDE E48 ROBLE AZUL Natural BA11 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Natural BA11 15 x 60...
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15 Natural BA14 60 x 60 cm (24” x 24”) Natural BA10 Antideslizante BA11 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) Natural BA11 Antideslizante BA12 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Arce PE12 30 x 30 cm (12” x 12”) E41 ARCE DECORADO PARQUET MADERAS serie Natural BA10 Lucidato BA11 30 x 60 cm (12” x 24”) E46 FRESNO Natural BA11 15 x 60 cm (6” x 24”) Combination with XYLA L1 and XYLA L2 XYLA L1 Esquina Natural PE12 15 x 15 cm (6” x 6”) XYLA L2 Esquina Natural PE12 15 x 15 cm (6” x 6”) XYLA L1 Listel Natural PE11 15 x 15 cm (6” x 6”) XYLA L2 Listel Natural PE11 15 x 15 cm (6” x 6”) COMBINACIÓN XYLA L1 y XYLA L2...
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CARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS del porcelánico ALCALAGRES - ESTILYA TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ALCALAGRES-ESTILYA porcelain tile has undergone testing at the most prestigious laboratories in the world, and exceeds the norms for testing in all areas. CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES Les plus prestigieux laboratoires du monde ont réalisé des essais avec le grès cérame ALCALAGRES-ESTILYA ayant obtenu dans tous les cas des résultats supérieurs à ceux exigés par les normes d’application. TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN Die renomiertesten Laboratorien der Welt haben das Feinsteinzeug ALCALAGRES-ESTILYA geprüft....
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17 (1) Valor ALCALAGRES según Norma ISO 14411: W=Dimensión de Fabricación - SF=Según el Fabricante - MD= Método disponible ALCALAGRES values according to ISO 14411: W= Manufacturer´s dimensions - SF= According to manufacturer - MD= According to available tests Valeur ALCALAGRES selon la Norme ISO 14411: W= Dimension de fabrication - SF= Selon le fabricant - MD= Méthode disponible. ALCALAGRES Werte nach ISO 14411: W= Fabrikationsmaße - SF= It. Angaben des Herstellers - MD= Methode verfügbar. (2) Excepto ácido fluorhídrico./ Except for fluorhydric acid./ Excepté l´acide fluorhydrique./ Mit...
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SERIE MADERAS 18 Las posibilidades de colocación y combinación son múltiples. Se deberán instalar con junta de 2 mm y con un desplazamiento máximo de 1/4 ó 1/3 de la longitud de la pieza. The tiles can be laid and combined in any number of different ways. Nonetheless, they should be laid with a 2 mm joint, staggered to a maximum of 1/4 or 1/3 of the length of the tile. PACKING TABLES 1 2 3 4 5 1/4 1/3 tablas de embalaje Rodapié Canto Romo y Cortado Bullnose 8 x 60 cm (3”x24”) 8 x 30 cm (3”x12”) Peldaño Elit Ranurado o sin Ranurar Elit step grooved or plain 60 x 60 cm (24”x24”) 30 x 60 cm...
Abrir la página 17 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Alcalagres
119 Páginas
8 Páginas
10 Páginas
5 Páginas
10 Páginas
5 Páginas
292 Páginas
Xtreme 2018
136 Páginas
32 Páginas
Catalogo General Alcalagres 2014
300 Páginas
Integra Plus
50 Páginas
276 Páginas